Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Monkeys fucking a football on healthcare

Copyright David A. Kearns

It’s a mess and no one understands it. Lot of hot air blasting from both sides. The furious, sweaty mashing of combatants. No sense to the thing, whatever. We, the clueless masses get everything but grass stains from it.
I hear the echo of my coach’s holler from so long ago;“Y’all look like a passel of monkeys fucking a football.”
White House Press Secretary to a reporter: “go back and take a gander at the transcript.”
Ooooweeee! That’s the bureaucratic equivalent to “hey, douchebag, it’s like this now! This is what the president means, not what someone thought he meant, Saturday.”
Harsh treatment for the press corps, just trying to get it right, after all. They need that confirmation, the concrete. Slam. Not today.
For his part, the Sec is punting, to everywhere, and to nowhere. There's a room somewhere inside the bowels of La Casa Blanca, where little men who are experts in this sort of thing are judging this man's performance. A furrowed brow, a whispering sigh. That's not it, someone says at last, not what the team needs today.
Another reporter keeps prodding, Cynthia someone.

“We’re seeing it expressed perhaps more virulently ? The public option is …optional?”

Even the questions are a mess.

“It’s the preferred option…. The president strongly believes….any monopoly without competition you’re not likely to see competition of quality, and (we need these??)”

I can make neither heads nor tails. Reading it in the newspaper is even worse. Of course, they’ve trimmed that down these days so the articles run the rail in a slittering of nonsense gibber.
But here's what we do know: We know that rage isn’t contrived if it’s paid for by the insurance lobby. We know a pill that costs five cents to make, for some reason now costs us $90 per serving on the bill. We know the poor and the unemployed, and the doomed crazy cannot move to France, Cuba or Antarctica to collect free health care, as the winners of the world would have it, for the losers. Losers walk!

We also know that when we go to these town-hall meetings, like the one they had in Viera, Florida this afternoon, someone behind the scenes is impacted with dildonium to have done something so horrific as to rile these seniors into believing in the concentration camps, death panels and such.

Oh yeah.
“Soylent Green is people” that’s what these republican sphinctoids are practically whispering to the seniors down here in Florida and it’s getting out of hand.
They must be driving buses to the damned “Sunset Alms Assisted Living,” and whatnot, then hauling them to these meetings. Half of these oldsters believe that we’ll all be wearing Mao-gear by the end of the year. One guy told me today that Michael Moore is going to be appointed “Health Tzar” when the dust settles.

I was also told today that Jesus wants the bad people to die of the AIDS, and that’s why we have to keep “pre-existing conditions.”

Nice. That’s someone’s grandma saying that. Thanks grams!

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